Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Something i've realised over a period of few weeks,getting over a breakup is never a gradual process.Popular misconception,though, goes that slowly you try to forget it;the pain becomes less and after an appropriate period of time,you are good,normal:WRONG !!!!! What actually happens is that you try to push everything to a corner of your mind, preoccupy yourself with other stuff,divert your resources,time and attention to things which are more or less important than you sitting in a corner and crying.And one fine day something happens,an old text message, an e-mail you forgot to delete from your recycle bin, an old picture or a just a lame song,causes a rebound of all the stuff you had buried down, only to make you realise that the wound is still raw, the pain is still unbearable and it all looks like yesterday.Then you want to go back a few moments in time wishing to have never put in that old sim card,never to have opened the bin,shouldnt have flipped through the album,never to have played that particular playlist.YES it still is that bad  but the day you decide to turn a blind eye and deaf ear to anything and everything which might cause the sore wounds to reopen and mess with your head, that's when you have gotten over a breakup.its just like a sore throat infection,never leaves your body;just lies there dormant,waiting to pounce back and wreak havoc on your life. Just dont lower your guard ...

1 comment:

Ankita said... is indeed beautiful..what ever u have written...:)