Tuesday, March 23, 2010


i was looking all around the place to find something funny to write (even flipped thought he f****all newspaper that Ooty gets )but nothing caught my fancy but little did i realise that i was among the people who make me laugh the whole day aaai eee my friends. i asked them and the first one they could come up with was a liner:
i mostly speak the truth when i'm lying.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

complicated contd.

well like i was saying the hidden under current kind of complications...weird ones...those just stay there under the covers for a loooo...ooong time and when spring out bring disastrous results....all this while it'll be wracking your brain to give you a straight ticket to beyond the valley of torture....you put the whole issue on a pedestal in your brain (plus the hush hush thing attached) but when you actually start arguing about it you feel that you were on the other side of the valley that is lamity...you should have either talked it out when you first felt it cropped up or just keep your mouth shut for all eternity....let things go the way they are going...and pretend like there's nothing wrong....everyone's happy so you are happy and your peace of mind is yours...


no we are not talking about the famous avril lavigne track..agreed it was brilliant...i'm talking bigger complications.
situations like boy friend girl friend fights, awkward situations on first dates, adjustment issues for couples, in-laws and all that is pretty stereotypical complicated stuff..the kind of s*** you sign up for when you decide to come to earth this time round....the weirder complications are the ones no body talks about or expects.....like between siblings, or room mates....gotta rush will get back in 5 minutes...

Sunday, March 14, 2010


Hey people haven't written a word since a year.. Google must be thinking i died. anyway credit goes to many people. I started blogging thinking that i'll get some encouragement for my literary skills but apparently my expectations went down the drain and i was so pissed that i didn't feel like blogging. now after one year of intent thought i realised that i'm going to continue with my blog and keep it going. whoever reads it or doesn't.....