Wednesday, September 14, 2011

About Me

Pardis parker......i like this chap About Me

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

murphy's law

"Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong"

Sunday, September 04, 2011


I've been told that we're only as sick as our secrets. I like the sound of that. It would make a particularly good bumper sticker. With that in mind I'd like to engage in a blog therapy and reveal one of my deepest, darkest secrets. There've been times when the mere thought of this secret has nearly overwhelmed me with self-loathing. And yet, there've been other times when I actually took  pride in it. So what is this personal bit of esoterica? I've got your attention now, don't I? You probably even skipped ahead to see if this is really juicy. Well, skip no further. My secret is this: I'm not that smart. Yup, there it is, dug up and thrown into the sunlight. Since I was a little kid I've known that (like it or not) there were an awful lot of people who had a lot more in the grey matter than I did. Oh, believe me, I've tried to suppress this awareness. I've tried to convince myself that I was special, that I was gifted. But I eventually learned that this secret could be my greatest asset. I learned that with enough bright friends even a dim bulb can light up a room. I like the sound of that.

Friday, September 02, 2011

B A N G ! !! ! !! !! ! ! ! !

When I was in the shower this morning, I thought: If we assume a Big Bang beginning of the universe, then every molecule, every atom, every proton, every electron, every quark, every wavelength, every vibration, every multi-dimensional string, every everything that makes up everything else shares an ineffable property of pre-Bang Oneness. Assuming that, then every everything is always moving in one of two directions: either away from that primordial state, or returning towards it. We feel these quantum movements. Moving away is experienced as loneliness, fear, anger and despair. Returning is experienced as one or more of the infinite variations and gradations of what we call love. Now, while some might say that equating the miracle of human feelings to the meandering of sub-atomic bric-a-brac robs them of their mystery, the truth is quite the opposite. Connecting our fundamental experience of life to the great mystery of existence ties us to the eternal within our every waking moment. We are not separate. We are made of the same stuff that existed at the beginning and will exist at the end. Therefore, the question we must each ask ourselves is simple: "In what direction am I moving today - towards oneness, or away from it?" When I was done reflecting on this, I stepped out of the shower, toweled off, and, while glancing at the mirror, pondered a new thought: "DAMN!!! I am pretty."