Saturday, August 10, 2013

household cleaners and perils of being a neat freak

Being reasonably okayish in chemistry has always had its flip sides. The moment I hear someone whine about a particular stain or a sticky chimney my brain would go into a overdrive and start working on the chemical constitution of the stain. I would come up with all sorts permutations and combinations to get the stain/ ickyness off and have a sparkling garment/surface. the funny part about being a neat freak is the willingness to go to any lengths to get that "fresh out of factory" finish; be it kitchen counters, chimney grills, table cloths, couch cushions....hold on sounds like the 50's!!!! I gave it a thought,is this what is pulling women down; their eye to details. Are we so lost in the concentrating on the details that we lose focus of bigger things in life? I realized being a neat freak has nothing to do with being a woman. It is a mindset;innate or acquired. A good friend told me that being a neat freak can probably be traced down to your brought up; pretty evident. What worries me is the obsession for neatness becoming a compulsion (OCD). So I made a little test. I start timing myself when i have to think about cleaning a certain are/object. If the time exceeds a period of more than 120 minutes, it is official I have been possessed by the thought.