Friday, August 27, 2010


all my friends who have more than one circle of friends spread over different cities, different schools, localities, neighborhoods must have faced this issue. you just cannot keep everyone in the loop...and the moment you think that things are going a bit ok in your whiner pings you online or drops in a call with the usual rona dhona ...tu to bhool gai... i'm sorry guys but yes the word is whiner..why on the earth would a friend would ignore you on purpose...if i havent pinged you simply means i am busy...and the logic saying that if you really care for someone then you will obviously make time for that someone is seriously many people can you care for all at one time????!?!?!?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


ser·en·dip·i·ty  [sèrr?n dípp?tee] noun
gift for discovery: a natural gift for making useful discoveries by accident

serendipity first came into light by the accidental discovery of Penicillin by Sir Alexander Fleming, but all the scientific stuff kept aside..serendipity is a concept which really confuses me...Philosophy says that everything is pre-planned and nothing happens by chance or coincidentally...planned...if something doesn't work according to what you're thinking it wasn't supposed to be that way...the plan was something else... the last minute decision to change "your" plan is part of the "bigger plan"..
So if everything is planned then what the hell is serendipity??!??!?!?!